Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Endodontist?

An endodontist is a specialist who has completed extensive training in how to diagnose and treat problems related to the soft tissue inside a tooth. Unlike a general dentist who may offer a broad range of services, an endodontist focuses solely on root canal therapy, endodontic surgery, and other related procedures.

Will My Root Canal Hurt?

It is a misconception that a root canal procedure will hurt. At Elite Endodontics, patients undergo root canal therapy while they are completely numb. Before the procedure, Dr. Moeller numbs the area with a local anesthetic. If any pain is felt, he stops the procedure immediately and administers more numbing medication.

Will My Root Canal Require More than One Appointment?

In many cases, a root canal can be completed in a single appointment that lasts approximately one hour. However, if the infection in the tooth is severe, a second appointment may be necessary. During your initial consultation, Dr. Moeller will evaluate your tooth and let you know if your root canal will require more than one appointment.

Will My Root Canal Require More than One Appointment?

A root canal is a relatively common procedure that is the only way to remove infected and/or inflamed pulp inside of a tooth. Infection and inflammation can result from tooth decay, a crack, chip, or other injury. Root canal therapy is typically recommended when your dentist and/or endodontist believes the procedure will save your tooth from extraction.

Will I Feel Pain After the Root Canal is Complete?

After your root canal procedure, there may be some soreness that will subside within a few days. It is normal for swelling and tenderness to cause discomfort following a root canal but typically the soreness and swelling is minimal. To help ease discomfort, Dr. Moeller will provide pain management instructions that will help with your recovery.

What are Some of the Most Common Myths About Root Canals?

There are several myths about root canal therapy that are simply not true. The most common myth is that a root canal procedure will hurt. Another myth is that root canal therapy takes several hours to complete. A third myth is that an extraction is a better alternative than a root canal. During your consultation, Dr. Moeller is happy to discuss the true facts about root canal therapy and endodontics in general.

Should I Visit My Regular Dentist After My Root Canal?

Following your root canal therapy, you may need to visit your regular dentist for a permanent filling or crown to be placed over the affected tooth. A permanent crown provides protection and allows your tooth to function as normal. Dr. Moeller will provide guidance and instructions during your pre-procedure consultation and also following your procedure.

Does a Root Canal Last Forever?

There’s a good chance that a root canal procedure will last for decades or more! However, many factors can affect the longevity of a root canal and the crown that covers the affected tooth. Excellent oral hygiene habits, a healthy diet, clenching and grinding, and other influences can play a role in the success of your tooth restoration.